
IMG_1304Making predictions is pretty far “out there”… But I believe that it’s possible for time to not be linear and that the information I receive has already happened on some level.

These are intuitive insights that have come through me recently. I don’t watch the news or read online sites. All of this information came through dreams or flashes of insight or other senses. I thought it might be interesting to post them and see what happens. I do not guarantee that they will happen, or when, nor do I want them to happen. I am only sharing what I “see,” as a neutral observer.

November 2014
Eruption of the South Sister, Oregon volcano
This may be a gentle bulge or a full eruption. I’ll be traveling to the spot where I believe it will occur and report back later this summer. Shared a beautiful night with the Apu (Mountain Spirits) and was shown the location of where the eruption will take place. Time is a relative thing, especially when we speak of volcanic eruptions. Hard to say exactly “when”, but now we know “where.”

October 2014
Weather for 2015 Summer will be wetter and cooler than normal. I’m not going to set up irrigation at the farm.

July 2014 
Rapid rise in parasites around the world. Examples: bacteria, viruses, infestations, anything that can multiply rapidly.